Minute 33 – Magic Latin, Zombies, and Turt Reynolds

Ryan Haupt finishes his tour of duty with Cabin Minute Cast on a high note with the resurrection of the Buckner family.

We chat about the origin of the zombie mythology, notable zombie movies, and fun facts about bringing back the dead.

Plus, it is Friday and we have recommendations to keep you occupied for your holiday vacations!

Soonish: Ten Emerging Technologies That’ll Improve and/or Ruin Everything – Kelly and Zach Weinersmith

Personal Website of Ryan J. Haupt

Science Sort Of Podcast

Aloha Screwdriver (They wrote our exit music)

Firewatch Video Game

Ghosted – TV Show

Tin Star – TV Show

Article on Reanimation

The Atlantic – The Tragic Forgotten History of Zombies



Minute 32 – George R.R. Martin’s Turtles of Twitter

Ryan Haupt, Man of Science and Podcasting, joins Heidi and Molly for another episode!

The crew chats outdated social media and the bizarre connection between The Cabin in the Woods and Little House on the Prairie.

Personal Website of Ryan Haupt

Science Sort Of Podcast


True Crime Graphic Novels by Rick Geary

My Favorite Murder Podcast